To manage your community, member applications and posts, first navigate to the “Community” section through the left-hand menu.
- Create Posts
You can create posts through Intree Hub. From the community overview section, press “create post” to open a new window.
1) Write your post content and press the camera icon to upload an image as well. From here you can choose to schedule the post for a future date, preview it, or simply post it. You can always see an overview of your scheduled posts by clicking the “Upcoming posts” button.
- Manage member posts
If you wish to delete a post from a member, simply navigate to the community overview and find the post. Press the three dots positioned to the right of the users avatar image. From here you can preview their profile or delete their post.
- Edit community
If you want to make changes to your community profile, simply click the “Edit community” button, in the top right corner of your community overview. This will take you back to the community creation screens.
- Manage member applications
Whenever a user applies to become a member of your community, their application will show up in the right side of the community overview. Here you can see their application, which usually contains a message and a preview of one or more of their “Aspects” or sub-profiles. Press the checkmark or X to accept or reject their application. The user will receive a notification within the Intree app to inform them of your decision.