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Adding Treets to a Pass

Learn how to add Treets to one or more Passes.

Once you’ve created your Pass and Treets, you are ready to make them available to members.

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  1. Navigate to the Treet section by pressing “Passes & Treets” in the left-hand menu.
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  1. Switch to the “Treets”
  1. Select one or more Treets you wish to add to a Pass
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  1. Once you’ve selected a Treet, a window will open in the right corner. Once you are happy with your selection, press “Add Treets to Pass”.
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  1. You will now see your Passes. Select one or more to add your Treets to and press “Publish Treets”. Once pressed your Treets will be added to your Pass and made available for your members.
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  1. You can easily see which Treets have been added to which Passes from the Pass section. Press on a Pass, and a window will open in the right corner.
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